
My iPad lock screen I made myself :).


Ahhhhh...what a topic. Seriously, I think people over-estimate the vision of it. When you think of Work-Life-Balance (I'm gonna call it WLB for the sake of my fingers), you think of tiktoks or instagram reels of people drinking matcha lattes while writing in their diary. Or you think of people waking up in their white sheets and seeing the sunrise. Or you think of people going on their Peloton at 5 AM in the morning. See that's what I used to think too...but that's not true at all.

WLB is simply as it says. The balance between your work, and your life. Knowing your priorities, when to do what, your boundaries, and being happy in your way of living. If buying a new Gucci bag every week is your WLB, then so be it...but I know it's not mine.

My WLB consists of a few things so let me break it down for you:

Work: waking up early, taking meeting notes, getting paid, and finishing a month-long task.

Life: a clean room, new stationary, cute stickers, and the color pink.

Balance: a planner, sleeping in, linkedin posts, and posting on my instagram.

See how simple my WLB is? These few things are reminders to keep myself and my WLB in check. I mean, so what if you have to work an hour overtime, doesn't that mean that you'll get paid more than usual? Which means that you'll be able to buy a few new things that you see? Connecting these three is really all WLB really is. Connecting your work, with your life, and balancing them both out.

Imagine a scale. On one side you have work, and on the other side you have life. If you exceed your work limits, taking other peoples tasks, working 60 hour weeks, or push yourself to the edge of the cliff, it's bound to seriously affect your personal life. On the other hand, if you are WAY too involved in everything around you, always talking about drama, always going out, thinking "YOLO", it will most definitely affect your work life. Then, the equilibrium falls, and you enter a state of unhappiness and depression.

It's really that simple. WLB is what you make it, and it is connecting your work, and your life, to acheive a balance where YOU are happy and successful in the way you want to be. It is what you make it.

That's all, I hope you enjoyed this post, it's something I really like talking about and I'm working towards myself, so it's super important to me. Anyways, feel free to reach out if you have any questions, and I'll see you in my next post!