What is Success?

What is Success?
The Union Station in Denver, CO.


Success is a relative term. It's not just monetary, it could be physical success, mental success, success in your job, in your relationship, in your personal life...it really depends. It's also relative to your surroundings. If you make 6 million a year, but you live in an area where people make 10 million a year, you see yourself as unsuccessful. But if you flip the table, and you live in an area where people make 3 million a year, chances are you'll see yourself as successful. To me, success comes in many different forms.

Personally, I value mental success over everything. If I'm not happy and in the state I want to be, I am not successful. For example, you could have a yearly income of over 10 million dollars, a bomb body, an amazing boyfriend/girlfriend, but if you aren't happy with yourself, you aren't successful. At least thats my way of looking at it. I'll give you another example. I've been going to the gym a lot recently. Two days ago I was able to curl 15 lbs. on each arm, which I could never do before. To me, that is success. That shows the rewards of my efforts, and that is my physical success being checked off the list, until I reach my new benchmark.

Seriously, think about it. I don't fight with my boyfriend that often, but when I do I communicate with him and he communicates with me. That is success in my relationship. We communicate each others wants and needs so that the other person isn't left hanging and we aren't throwing our relationship down the drain. We are successful in our relationship but we also know there's a whole future ahead of us and we have a lot to work on. We both value our happiness and success and since we know that we can grow together, instead of apart.

If you really think about it, success is not hard to achieve. It takes dedication and drive, but if Jeff Bezos can do it, so can you. Becoming confident in your skills can help you reach that level of success that you want, whether it be in your relationship, in your physical body, or monetarily. Success is relative, but it can be taken in any form. Look at your surroundings and notice small things that might remind you of your success (ex: I'm currently staring at my graduation picture board as I write this.)

I hope you enjoyed this blog! Feel free to message me with any questions, and I'll see you in my next one!