Valentine's Day 2023

Valentine's Day 2023
Something for my boyfriend because his gift isn't here yet.


As I write this post on Valentine's day, waiting for my boyfriend to finish his exam so we can go eat, I think about things like love and affection. Love and attachment go hand in hand and can often be misplaced and used accidentally. Be aware of when you use these words.

Now, there's nothing wrong with being in a relationship, I'm in one too. I am attached and I have loads of affection for Jack (my boyfriend). The problem lies therein when attachment becomes obsession.

Obsession is negative.  

Obsession is Nate Jacobs (iykyk).

Obsession is mental strain.

I'm attached, but i'm not obsessed. It's a fine line, so how can we differentiate?

It starts at the bottom. Ask yourself, why are you in this relationship?

Is it because you need another person to rely on?

Is it because you think they are attractive?

Is it because you hate being alone?

Or is it because you found someone that you get along with and like spending time with?

Figure out exactly WHY you are in your relationship...and once you get that, think about "Why am I still in this relationship?" Is it love? Or is it obsession? Something as small as that differentiation can make or break your relationship so it's extremely important to consider this.

I'll be honest when I first met Jack, a relationship was the last thing on my mind. Slowly we started figuring out we had more in common, and we just made sense together. After about a month we decided to start dating, and there have been some arguments, but nothing that has ever made me go, "I need to break up with him." See, I found why I stayed and that made me express love instead of obsession. I know that if I was obsessed I would get jealous way too fast, extremely upset at small things, and have a huge ego in this relationship. But because I know the difference between love and obsession, I am able to be in a healthy relationship, lovingly.

Like I said, it's an extremely fine line but it is there.

Before I end, if you're not in a relationship I want to tell you that it's okay. This valentine's day it's okay to be alone. Turn your desire for others into love for yourself and discover something new. Maybe take yourself out to eat, take a bath, or even take the day off of work. Turn your obsession into love/affection.

That's it! Thanks for reading my valentine's day blog, and I hope you have a great February 14th. Love you all :) Bye!