Two Bowls of Ice Cream

Two Bowls of Ice Cream
A picture of some really fucking good ice cream that I had a while ago.


I know it's been a while since I've written a blog. I just moved back to college, now I'm in Texas, and theres honestly a lot going on in my life. So here's a question for've got two amazing jobs, your mental health is great, you have a loving boyfriend and friend circle and you're always busy...but are you happy?

Everyone knows the song that goes "happiness is two bowls of ice cream". For me, it is indeed not two bowls of ice cream. Two bowls of ice cream makes me feel fat. Happiness to me is being productive, spending time with friends and family, and honestly...just vibing (I'm gonna look back at this and cringe).

I've talked about this so many times on my instagram because it's so important. Without happiness you literally cannot function. You just can't. You can't be sad 24/7 and expect to do things to your highest potential. When you feel a sad emotion, your brain tells the rest of your body, "hey, it's heal time" and your body puts its energy in things that make you feel better. I honestly love partying and at the end of a busy week, I love going to a friends house and partying the night away. There's nothing wrong with that. The problem here is knowing what makes me happy but not channeling that into my energy. Let me give you an example:

I love shopping. If I spend what I earn the second I get it, I'll be broke. Naturally I'd want to have more money so i'll tire myself out working so that I can spend even more money and take just one more day of spending until I go broke again. This is a cycle a lot of people are stuck in (and me 1 year ago). Now another scenario, if I see a $200 pair of shoes that I like, I work until I can buy two of them and then buy the shoes. Not only am I channeling my happiness into doing more work, but I'm earning more money on the side and getting the shoes I like.

When I mean two bowls of ice cream, I mean using one aspect of your life, and channeling that into another. For me, it's channeling my happiness into productivity. I've done it for about 7 months now and it's something I'm proud to say I can teach to others.

Feel free to comment on this post with any questions and I really hope you enjoyed this blog since it means a lot to me. Thanks for reading and I'll see you later :) Ciao!