The road to 500+

The road to 500+
My Linkedin heading from an incognito standpoint.


I am a Linkedin hog. That's the truth, there's no beating around the bush. I spend arguably as much time as I do on any other social media platforms, just as long as I do on Linkedin. I don't know what it is about the business world in specific that I just love, but I think its that everyone is so hard-working, and dedicated to what they do, that being in that atmosphere makes me feel the same way (as stupid as that sounds). But as much as I love Linkedin, it is so intimidating.

If you have spent even 30 seconds on Linkedin you know that when you have 500 or more connections, you get a little blue link that says "500+ connections". That little 7 syllable phrase is probably one of the most credible proofs of...well...dedication, especially in college. I'm not saying to connect with everyone you meet, and I'm also not telling you to be super selective. I think it will make more sense if I explain.

What do I mean by 500+ showing dedication?

By dedication I mean dedication to connect, network, and know people in different places. Sure I don't have 500, but my network is diverse, coming from all walks of life. A dedication to put yourself out there and meet people that can help you and potentially do the work for you is what employers will look for, and is what 500+ will prove. 

You get more connections as you get older, so that's why it helps you to have that many in college, because it proves you don't need time. You are ready to get going and improve your network.

My network on Linkedin is full of people that I have met personally. There are maybe 10 people out of the 362 connections of mine that I haven't met, but I connected with them because of word of mouth. These people I've connected with all have my full faith that they will support my career. I also know that I can reach out to most of them for help in finding a job. I know that they can help me out because they want to see me succeed.

Ocassionally I'll go on a disconnect spree, where I find people I don't remember and unconnect from them. Doing this helps me keep my network useful and makes sure that what I see on Linkedin isn't going to be a waste of my time.

Follows are a different genre, but the same idea. I follow more people than I am connected with, because some of the people I follow post marketing techniques, and talk about increasing engagement. Those kinds of posts (among many others) are interesting to me, so I read them. That is a much better use of my time.

I'm being very frank here because if I'm not, there's no point in me writing this or you reading this. Your connection base is very important to getting to where you need to be because they WILL help you along the way, whether you believe it or not.

If you're going to take anything away from this blog, take this:

Having 500+ connections when you're young is going to help you, but a good connection base will be even better.

I hope this blogged helped you bring a new perspective to your Linkedin base, and now maybe you can go on a disconnection spree. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you next time :)