Studying is a Hobby

Studying is a Hobby
My desk with my weekly planner and Logi keyboard.


I know reading this title you might be thinking. 'A hobby? Studying is nothing but a chore!' and I totally get why you think that. We spend hours studying in high school just to go to college to keep studying, where some of us continue our education and CONTINUE studying until we land a job in our mid 30's where we again, study.

It's funny, in high school I hated schoolwork. I liked school, because I got to see friends, get morning lattes, and talk to boys. These things and a couple others were my priority back in high school, and instead of focusing on schoolwork I focused on anything but. When corona hit I seized the opportunity to bring my GPA up and went from studying never to studying for hours per day. But how did I get to that? How did I switch up so fast?

It's easy, I romanticized it. I romanticized studying. I've always had a knack for stationary and youtube so I'd watch studying vlogs, record myself studying, play lofi music, organize my browsers, etc. I'd use cute pens, and stickers to decorate my notebook. I'd find little ways to make myself appreciate the art of studying. Through romanticizing my schoolwork I realized that studying is something I like. I like learning. I like to understand things that used to be confusing. I like to find things out like, "Wow Simren, you're really good at accounting". I like taking notes on my ipad, I like reviewing for my exam on paper, I like making schedules and timetables. I like checking my stopwatch at the end of the day and finding out I studied for 7 hours. I learned these things I didn't know about myself before and I did it...through learning.

So try romanticizing studying. Try to find the beauty in learning. I did and it's something I always think about. Somedays, I even look forward to studying, because I know what I'm learning is going to be a good topic or, I know I'll do well in an exam I am going to take.

Studying is something I take (or try to take) time out for every single day because now it's a hobby. I like it. I think it's nice and I've realized the importance and value of it so really, I have no complaints. That's how I made studying one of my hobby's. I don't regret it and I know it'll only benefit me as my education progresses.

That's it! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments and once again, thank you for reading and supporting me :)