So I went on a hike...

So I went on a hike...
A picture of my hike!


Today me, my boyfriend, and my friend Grace all decided to go on a hike. My boyfriend loves doing all things naturey, so I decided he would like it and went with him. (e 3.uhin`wS: my friends pet rat climbed over my keyboard so I kept it she's adorable)

We started at my school and hiked 5.1 miles which took us 2 hours and 45 minutes. Here's our trail and all the stats.

My boyfriend's hiking app and the stats of our hike.

Before the trail I had made three wraps, packed three mandarins, and three bars. Everything was finished except for one bar. They were hungry. I also expected that we would need water. I bought a new water bottle today too which I'll show you. It leaks a bit though so I didn't bring it. As I was packing things for the hike my boyfriend told me he doesn't drink much water on hikes...but guess who finished the water bottle. Him.

There were some beautiful sights we got to sit in front of too. Here's a few!

It was seriously so much fun. Usually I don't like hiking because I get short of breath a lot and stairs aren't my thing but it was so much fun. It felt great to get a whiff of nature and it helped me gain some clarity. I felt great!

My new waterbottle!

Anyways, there's the end of this blog I hope you enjoyed. Hey, if you're ever considering taking a hike, you should do it. That's all, have a good day! Ciao :)