SaaSOpen 2023

SaaSOpen 2023
The 9:30 AM welcoming speech by Mr. Nathan Latka himself.


You know, every time I go to a conference I get reminded of why I love business in the first place. Maybe that's why I love coming to these. This time, it was SaaSOpen 2023.

Before you read this Post

If you're wondering what SaaS is, check out this blog which goes in depth about some terminology I'll use in this blog.

For the other two blog posts about conferences, check out this one from New York and this one from Texas. 

Happy reading!

Now, I love a good bond with an important person just like any other college student does, because not only does it give me one of the best adrenaline boosts of my life, but it makes me think "If this guy did it, I can too". I say guy because usually when I go to these places the ratio is 9:1. And women isn't the 9.

Here is the link to the agenda of the two days I was there so you can check it out yourself.

Upon looking at the schedule, the first name that stood out to me was Neil Patel. He's somewhat of a marketing legend, so when I saw that his presentation was on Thursday I knew I had to go. Well I went. I was fangirling like crazy and GOD was it good. In fact, here's a picture of us and my notes:

I'm a huge fan, because every single ounce of marketing research I've done takes me back directly to his website. I talked to him and was going to ask him for a 1-on-1 mentorship but I was so nervous, that it just slipped my mind. I know a lot of people think that marketing is just a money hole. That if you don't generate x number of leads monthly its a waste of time. I don't believe that because marketing isn't just content creation in fact, a whole bunch of things falls under the marketing umbrella including: SEO, blog posts, advertising, strategy, and web development. Marketing and Sales have to work hand in hand so when someone puts down marketing I think in my head, "Do they have the same feeling about sales?" This is a topic for a whole different blog so lets move onto the next influential person I met.

Dan Martell is the founder of SaaS academy,, and a ton of other companies. And he wrote a book. Here's our picture and notes:

Anyways, I walked into his speech just a minute late so I was able to catch the entire thing and write notes. Truth is, this was probably one of the best presentations I've ever seen a founder give. I think it was the topic that was most interesting to me. Dan was really hitting those points back and forth and everything he said just clicked in my brain, as if I needed to hear it so I could be successful in life. I ended up picking up one of his books, so I'm excited to read it. I'm a huge fan of time management, and even though I'm not a founder by any means and I have no team to scale, all of these notes that I wrote from his slides can be implemented in personal relationships and walks of life.

It was such an amazing conference and honestly, even just catching up with people I've met at previous conferences was such a great time. I think usually people don't get just how easy it is to connect with someone, but here's how I think about it:

If you spend just 5 minutes getting over your fear and talking to someone, that person is in your network for life. Otherwise, you'll regret it.

I was thinking of making a webinar about getting out of your shell in the business world, so let me know if you'd be interested in that.

Again, I highly recommend you go to a conference, any conference honestly because if you make the most out of it, you won't regret it. That's all for today, see you next time :)