
Me setting up an event for a club i'm in, painfully asking people to put their things in a side room.


Hello hello. Today I'm going to talk about another one of my favorite topics, Potential. I wrote a post on instagram about this, here, but I'm still talking about it in this blog because I think it's worth the time of day. Understanding potential can make or break your self-esteem and self-worth so make sure you know what yours is. Let's get into it >>>

Here's the definition on Google:

"Potential, having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future."

Let's break that down.

"having or showing the capacity"

To me, potential is the possibility to...have or show the capacity blah blah blah. I think that potential is something you have to believe in more than just it being there. Kind of like a placebo. Someone could tell you that you don't have the potential to do something and another personal could tell you that you do have the potential to do something. It's all based off of what you believe in.

So you don't necessarily have to have or show the capacity to become or develop into something in the future. You just have to believe that you have the potential...which leads you into the capacity to do things. In my opinion at least.

"become or develop"

Ok so this might be kind of confusing so i'm going to explain it as best I can. There are a lot of things you can "turn into". You don't just become or develop into something. You can create something, you can watch something, you can explain something. All of that is considered doing something which comes from the potential to do something. It is not limited to "becoming something" or "developing something".

"something in the future"

You do NOT need to wait for the future...to have the potential...to become something. I can go outside and go for a run right now if I wanted to, granted I'm not going to, but potential doesn't mean it's something in the future. Potential can be something you have RIGHT NOW. At this moment, you can get up, go grocery shopping, and make a caesar salad and post about it on your food blog that you made after you finished your caesar salad.

Bottom Line, potential is not the Google definition full of doubts and maybe's. Potential is what you believe in. If you believe in your potential, you have the potential.

That's all for this blog...Thank you so much for reading, and please let me know if you have anything to add on! Ciao!