
A picture of my beautiful backyard during a sunset.


I'm talking about this topic today because I feel like everyone should know at least what manifesting is. I feel like the term gets confused a lot as "blind faith" or "you just refuse to put in effort" but that's not the truth at all (in my case at least). It honestly might just be placebo, I haven't researched it enough but if it is, it feels pretty legit.

I've asked a ton of people if they believe in things like manifestation and the universe's calling. Every single person I asked says, "No, I don't believe in it" and that's totally fine. I feel like the concept of "think it and it'll come true" has always meant something to me because...when I think something, when I want something enough, it some way or another comes true.

Let me explain.

There's one example in specific that I always use, linked right here under the book "The Four Agreements". I can think of a few others, but some are so small that I just forget them. It's things from getting paid more than I expected, seeing my grades go up, and having a good night instead of one I thought to be bad. These are just a few examples of how I've gained control over my thoughts. By that I mean, I thought about what I wanted. I envisioned myself doing/holding/having whatever I thought about. And the thing is, I wasn't thinking "Hmm, this might be nice," I was thinking "I am going to get this". I KNEW what I desired, which lead me to planning out exactly how to get there, and the universe helped me do that because at that point there was nothing in my way.

Before you close out of this blog, let's go over a few steps to help you manifest a dream of yours to reality, because if you follow these steps and really believe in what you want, you can get it.

Step 1: Decide what you want.

"I want a new car". Extremely vague, get in detail. First, set a timeline. "I want a new car by the end of this year,". Okay, good. It's realistic, and you can get to that goal. Let's go into more detail. describe the car you want. "I want a 2022 Subaru WRX by the end of this year in the color black,". Perfect. You know what you want in great detail. Write this down on a sheet of paper.

Step 2: Envision.

This step is really important in turning your dreams into reality (as cliche as that sounds). Imagine yourself driving, standing next to, buying, just doing something with your Subaru. I know it might be hard since you might be thinking "What? I don't even have it, how can I imagine myself with it?" The truth is, you can. I'm doing it right now and I've never wanted a 2022 Subaru WRX. Imagine it in your head. THINK it into reality.

Step 3: Revision and Repitition.

Just like when you study you read things over and over again, you remember your formulas during exams, you think when you try to get it on paper. Just like that, you manifest, you envision, you think about what you want, your deepest desires and that is how they will become real. That sheet of paper you wrote what you wanted, you re-write and re-read, like a mantra as your doing dishes or taking a shower. That, is how you can manifest things into reality and that is how I have manifested things into reality.

Well, as interesting as that was, that's all I've got for you. If you'd like to know more about manifestation and law of attraction, and just how the universe works, feel free to comment or shoot me a DM @sxmrenn and I'd love to talk to you more about it. Thank you so much for reading, see you next time :)