Living In College...How's that going?

Living In College...How's that going?
A picture of the rain at my school's overpriced coffee shop.


Hello! Today I'm going to talk a bit about how my college life is going. We're in the third week of the year's kicked in. The late wake-ups, forgetting to write in my planner, skipping dinner. It's definetely here.

My schedule isn't that busy, since I only have two in-person classes and one of them is only on Tuesday and Thursdsay morning. My other class is every day but it's 50 minutes long. I'm taking three online classes but I still have a lot of work to do and I'm in a lot of clubs. So honestly, I'd say i'm busy 60% of the time.

Moving on to my roomates and my apartment. I like all of my roomates (I didn't last year). They're all super chill and I like spending time with them. Sine we have a kitchen, and my meal plan isn't the same, I have to make food too. It doesn't take me that long and I enjoy eating food at home a lot more than I do in the dining center. The thing that bothers me the most about having a ktichen is that I don't have groceries. I make a lot of food so I use my groceries within a week, but everyone that I know goes grocery shopping once every two weeks and I don't have a car, so there's no way for me to get groceries for seven days. For example, I'm out of bread, pasta, fruits, vegetables, and cheese. For breakfast I usually have some form of bread and/or eggs. I also eat a banana or clementine every morning because I literally need sugar. But right now I'm out of fruits, I have two slices of bread left, and no veggies or juice. I think that's the only drawback of living in an apartment. That and it's not connected to the main campus building so it's kind of chilly.

I'd say I have a pretty good social life. I have myself in check, and I know my boundaries with my friends. I won't cross those boundaries unless it's a life or death situation or they need me to hold their hair back while they throw up in the toilet. One of my favorite things about college is the social aspect of it. I'm an extroverted introvert. Meaning, from the outside I am extremely extroverted. It's not hard for me to talk to people or do any public speaking. I'm welcomed into friend groups (I think) and I don't have any trouble with my social life. But on the inside I'm an introvert. I have a social battery but it runs out very fast. I get tired around people, and I like doing things like spending the whole day alone (which is hard to do in a college setting). Since I'm in clubs, it makes it a little harder to have alone time, but I still manage because clubs are important to me.

The balance can be hard to keep sometimes, juggling my social life, my extracurriculars, my job, my relationship, and my schoolwork. But I know it'll be worth it in the end when I can reap the rewards of my effort.

That's all for this blog, I hope you enjoyed reading throught it. Have a good day, I'll talk to you later! Ciao!