India 2023

India 2023
An auto in India. 


As you've probably seen all OVER my Instagram, I was in India for most of the month of June (like everything but 3 days). I visited both sides of my family, and traveled a whole bunch. Do I miss it? YES. Do I want to go back? YES. Today I'll be showing you the places I went and what I did. Hope you Enjoy!


I went to Muzaffarnagar because that's where my dads side of the family is from. It felt so good to go there because everything was nearby and I didn't have to worry about anything. The cousin of mine that lives there is only a year older than me so we get along really well. From scooty rides to drinking soda on the side of the road, my time in Muzaffarnagar was amazing. It also felt good because of family and being able to see them after 5 years. Here's some pictures of Muzaffarnagar, and all that there is to see.


Lucknow is the capital of Uttar Pradesh, one of the states in India. This was my first time going to Lucknow, but definetely not my last. I loved the architecture, night life, and the clothing there. One thing for sure, it was SO hot. Like you walk outside, you melt.


I was only in Ahmedabad for one-two days, visiting my uncle and his family. Since its been so long since I've seen them, it was CRAZY to see how much they've grown. I distinctly remember the younger daughters voice being so high pitched but now its even lower than mine. And the older daughter is going to her first year of college??? Crazy things. Time seriously flies but it was so amazing to meet them after so long.


I love, love, LOVE Hyderabad. Hyderabad is the capital of Telangana, one of the states in India. I was there for around 8 hours, since we just went for some of my dads work. However, the food in Hyderabad goes CRAZY. We had biryani, idlis, filter coffee, you name it. This was my second time going to Hyderabad and it felt so good to go again after a while. I released a reel about my time in Hyderabad which you can check out here. If you go to India, you NEED to go to Hyderabad.

New Delhi and Ghaziabad

The main reason that we went to India in the first place was for one of my cousin's weddings. The wedding was only 2 days but I still went for so long. I spend around 4 days total in New Delhi, and 2 days in Ghaziabad, a city an hour north of New Delhi. I didn't do much in these cities except eat, but if you want to check out my youtube video about the wedding, you can do so here. The end of my trip was so much fun, and I got to bond with my more distant cousins in such an awesome way.

Overall, this trip was a 9/10 (-1 because I was throwing up on my last day in Muzaffarnagar :|) and honestly, I could've stayed there another month. This trip was amazing. I will never forget this June 2023, as I feel that I got so much closer to so many people and things important to me. I hope you enjoyed reading this blog, and if you're thinking of going to India, go. Thanks for reading, Ciao!