Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
A picture of my social media and digital marketing notes for my Project 50 challenge.


Happy new year to all my readers! We're starting this new year with a few goals and hopes for 2023. As we walk into the year, it's important to remember a few things:

  1. You are not invincible.
  2. This year will not be perfect. There will be ups and downs.
  3. You matter before anyone else.
  4. Covid is still a thing.
  5. It's okay to set VAGUE and POSSIBLE new years goals, but not over-arching new years goals.

Let me give you an example of #5. At the beginning of 2022 I set two goals. First, to workout everyday of the year. Second, to invest more. I bet you can guess which one worked out.

I was able to create and invest into my ROTH IRA, and now have enough to sustain me entirely for maybe 2 months? That's 2 months longer than I was able to at the beginning of 2022 (granted I started in August).

But let's talk about the first goal, working out everyday of the year. In my opinion, this is arguably one of the worst "goals" you can setup for yourself. It is extremely unrealistic (for me). It is also very defined. Working out everyday of the year means when you're sick, when you're on your period, when you have an extremely busy day, when there's a snow storm, when your AC and heating vents are broken, when everything bad that could happen, happens. And you still have to work out. That's why it's unrealistic (again, for me). It's also setting yourself up for failure. This is because if you don't succeed in working out everyday of the year, you reach the end of the year and you feel like a failure because you didn't succeed in your new years resolution.

Let me tell you an alternate, better approach to this resolution. You can turn "Work out everyday of the year" to "Work out one day of the week" or "Do 10 pushups and 10 situps per day". Sure, it's not a hardcore pump-acheiving workout, but if you feel like if you want to do more, you can. This way the resolution lets you do this workout that you've created, and it lets you do more. It gives you a sense of accomplishment.

My 2023 Goals.

I know there are some sayings like, "keep your goals and your dreams to yourself, or they won't come true". That may happen, but I wanted to be upfront. I also think that these can help you create some of your own goals.

  1. Goal 1, get to 30 subscribers on my blog. Right now I have 13. I collected these 13 in a span of 4 months, so I do believe that this is a very realistic goal for myself. I want my content on this website to reach more people overall, since I think there are a lot of takeaways from my blogs (not to toot my own horn).
  2. Goal 2, get to 1,500 followers on instagram. I've always wanted to be an influencer, and since now I am taking the steps to do so, (my social media presence literally everywhere), I believe that I can. Speaking of, if you haven't followed my instagram already, please do @sxmrenn. 
  3. Goal 3, learn 2 new skills. Many of you know, I am doing the Project 50 challenge. One of the steps of this challenge is to spend 1 hour everyday learning a new skill. My first skill, social media and digital marketing. Makes sense, huh. I think my next skill will be day trading since the concept of it really interests me.
  4. Goal 4, read 10 books. It's not ideal for me to read one book per every two weeks, so I chose something that I can fit into my school and work schedule. I absolutely despise audiobooks so I after considering that for a second, I threw the idea away.

Well that's it for this blog, just a simple bit abut new years and the goals that come with it. I hope it helped you create yours and help you start your year happily. Once again, Happy New Years :)