Good Vibes, Good Life

Good Vibes, Good Life
Me reading this book in a plane on the way to who knows where.


I started this book in December of 2022, in hopes that I'd be able to implement it in the 2023 year. Not only did I finish it in February of 2023, but I wasn't able to actually implement anything until April. Now that isn't because I was busy, but because I had so many other things I wanted to try and get done from books that I read, that had priority. So finally when April rolled around I was able to get a start on the path to Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King.

Now, whenever I read books my first mistake is overhighlighting and overanalyzing every little bit of the book as opposed to just sitting there and taking in information. So for this book I decided to not do that, an just write down on notes what I felt would be helpful later. Here's a few things I picked up, and the way I understood them, which you might find helpful :)

Happiness doesn't come from other people, from places or things. It comes from within.

Here's the thing, unfortunately I believe that money can buy happiness. You see someone without a phone, and you're greatful for the one you have, that makes you happy. This is more of an action item statement, since I know I need to get happiness from within instead of temporary things. I feel like everyone needs to have some kind of source of happiness within instead of being only from things and people.

Your longest relationship in life is with yourself. Only when you manage this relationship well can you manage your relationship with others.

This I agree with 100%. You can't physically or mentally be in love with someone if you aren't even in love with yourself. That's literally just the way it is. Doing frequent self-checkins and self-care days is the best way to do this. And as I mentioned before, self-care doesn't have to be aesthetic like how it is on social media, it can literally just be eating something unhealthy that you like once in a while, or staying up late watching a comfort show. Heal YOUR relationship first so that you can build a better one with other people.

Your goal isn't to get rid of negative thoughts, its to change your response to them.

The natural response when a negative thought comes is the fear that it'll become true. That's where anxiety stems from, no matter what the negative thought is. Instead of thinking fearfully right away, approach the situation this way:

"This is going to happen and in 1 week it won't matter anymore"

"I can learn from this even if it doesn't happen"

"This is completely unrealistic and even if it does happen, it won't happen again because I won't let it"

Through this repition eventually it'll be enforced and the fear of something happen will be so much smaller than you realized. Now of course, these are what work for me. It will always vary for every person.

Intention without action is just a wish.

You KNOW I've talked about this with new years resolutions, life "goals" and all the other umbrella terms for what someone WANTS to happen. "If you want it bad enough it'll come true". That's manifestation. You can't just manifest a good body, you have to go to the gym and work hard, that's the realistic truth. You can manifest a job you want, but manifestation without hard work is again, just a wish. Just like that, wanting something to happen without doing anything about it is just a wish.

Remember, these are just what I found the most helpful from the book. It'll vary for different people but if you think these are good guidelines to follow then I'd suggeset reading this book. My total rating of this book would probably be a 7/10. The reason I rated it this way is because even though it's definetely a book that guides you on living a good life, there aren't enough real action items to bring someone to do anything.

I hope that this blog gave you a new book suggestion, and you are able to listen to the advice that I drew from the book. This is 1 of 3 book reviews this month so keep your eye open for what's next! Thanks for reading, Ciao :)