Going back to College??

Going back to College??
A picture I took while working remotely at a Caribou. I always get water since it's free.



The countdown begins T-10 days from when I wrote this. I love being home, since I get to see my family. My family is very important to me so it's necessary that I spend time with them. That being said, I've been back at home since early May and it's safe to say my battery has run out.

Ever since I was young I've wanted to be more independent, and wanting to do things on my own. For example, my parents have told me countless times I don't need a job because they earn for me and my brother, but I still have two since I like seeing the rewards of my efforts and having that financial independence.

I love being at home, but my independence is important to me so naturally, I'm excited to get back to my college. I come back home at least once a month so it's not like I hate being home (lol don't worry).

The next thing I want to touch on is packing. Last year when I moved out of my dorm, we just left 80% of the stuff in the boxes, so that I wouldn't have to completely unpack and repack the same things such as hangers, storage boxes, etc. You would think that I don't need anything different, but that's not entirely true. I like going to stores and seeing what I want for my new room. Since it'll be an apartment, I have to get dishes and table decorations, and things for my bathroom as well. I live with three other people so we'll all put in our worth.

I'm also excited to see my friends. Most of my friends live in a different state, two live 10 minutes away from my college, and my boyfriend (also in my friend group) lives about 45 minutes away. I can't see them all as often as i'd like (obviously) so I'm really hyped to spend more time with them.

The last thing I want to talk about is classes. I recently changed my major to Marketing and Graphic Design from Biochemistry. It's a huge 180 degree switch but I feel like it's whats best for me since i'm really interested in business. I am so excited to take my classes in the coming year since I KNOW i'll like them. Also, I like studying and doing academic things, since it keeps me busy. If I don't do anything I end up feeling unproductive and lazy so I feel like I always need to do something, that's probably why I love cleaning.

Anyways, this blog was kind of a mess but as always, don't hesitate to reach out and I'll see you next time! Ciao!