Do Epic Shit

Do Epic Shit
The mountains when I visited Colorado. They were so pretty oh my god.


Hello! Are you excited after reading the name of this book? It's called Do Epic Shit, by an entrepreneur and teacher named Ankur Warikoo. I was surprised when my dad brought this book back from India for two reasons. First, the title swears. This was new for me because my dad doesn't swear. Maybe once in a few months when he's with his friends who also swear but it's not normal. Second, it was very cheap. This book was for 300₹, rupees, which equivalates to approximately $3.64. In America, this book would be approximately $25.00 (I never understood why books are so expensive). Not that this intro has much to do with the book, but it's just a bit of background.

This book is divided into 6 sections. What I'm going to do is give my personal feedback on those sections (and some of the excerpts), give you MY interpretations and provide some feedback on what my thoughts are. Lets go!

Chapter 1: Success (and failure)

Success is, as I've mentioned before, variable. It fully depends on the person, the goal, the situation, and the outcome. Failure, on the other hand, for me depends on one thing. It depends on if YOU reached your GOAL or not. So with this perspective in mind, not everyone's success is the same and even more so not everyone's failure is the same. How do you define success and how do your failures give you a leg-up on the next task in your life?

Chapter 2: Habits

I'm not even going to bother talking about this kind of thing because if you've read some of my past blogs you know how I feel about habit building. It's SUCH a hit or miss because people tend to lean towards increasing and decreasing dedication as opposed to consistency. In fact, here's an excerpt from the book which I feel aligns with my views: "Daily progress isn't about becoming an expert in your field. It is developing the mindset that progress is a way of life." This shows, that your habit building that you planned to start at the beginning of the year isn't about becoming the best in that expertise, it's to accept it as a progression of making your skills in that area better and better every day.

Chapter 3: Awareness

We all know (or we all should know) that the first step to any REAL change is awareness. Without noticing the fact at hand, we can't change it. The book states that the most energy-draining people and the most dangerous people are the ones who run away from change. The ones who, instead of accepting the fact that there will be something different, are "perfectly fine" with the way they are. The brutal truth is that there's always something you can change about yourself, it's just a matter of...can you guess what I'm going to say?...awareness.

Chapter 4: Entrepreneurship

This whole section is about how to be a GOOD entrepreneur and how to lead your team to success. I won't go into depth about what to do and what not to do but there are lots of good, and useful tips and tricks that can help any entrepreneur in their path. One of the sentences written in this book provides a good grounding reminder, just to keep in your head: "Your success as a founder depends on how close you are able to get people to their solutions. Who you are and where you come from doesn't matter. What you do and where you are going is all that does." Of course there are the lucky few who's fathers or mothers are also very successful business folk but inheritance isn't all it takes. There's a ton of other factors that go into being a good entrepreneur (keyword, good).

Chapter 5: Money

You can't tell, but I finished off the entire blog before getting to this part. Money, for me, is a very VERY opinionated topic. In my opinion, money can buy happiness. You know I believe this, I know I believe this, I just don't see it other way. Maybe one day I will but for now I don't (but this is a topic for another blog). This section of the book mainly talks about a persons relationship with money, your own relationship with money and how it can turn from negative to positive. Money is a very social tool, because if you have it, then it's more socially acceptable than if you don't. This section provide's some of Warikoo's mistakes, lies, and errors that he made (and realized) along his path to success, all boiling down to the topic of money.

Chapter 6: Relationships

I hope you know that the term "relationship" isn't just based off of a dating aspect. It is your relationship with your relatives, your friends, even your relationship with people you just know. But the most important relationship is the one we have with ourselves. How do we view ourselves? How does our relationship with ourselves affect those around us? The level of sympathy, empathy, and respect we reflect to others is all based off of the way we display it throughout ourselves (my interpretation from a section of the book).

To be honest, understanding this book is fully based off of how YOU can absorb the information. Every chapter I summarized includes an excerpt from the book, where I have explained it in my own interpretation. I hope that this book is something that you pick up for yourself, because it is a really good one. I also hope that you enjoyed this blog. Thanks for reading, Ciao :)