I Am In So Many Clubs On God

I Am In So Many Clubs On God
A picture of some nice sidewalk chalk on my wa


This post is going to be about all the clubs I'm in, my roles, and why I'm in them.

  1. Student Association
  2. Delta Sigma Pi
  3. Management Club
  4. Sales Club
  5. South Asian Student Organization
  6. Investment Club

Without furder ado, let's begin.

Student Association

I joined Student Association in the beginning of my freshman year of college as a Freshman Representative (I'm rep at large now). I'm not going to bullshit you at all, I first joined because I thought it would look good on my resume and let me tell you, it does. After being in this club for about 7 months I realized how much of a difference this club actually makes. We are super involved with academics and the student life and work on making the student and faculties lives easier. We've partnered with Lyft to give discounts on rides, we give snacks to students during finals weeks, we have painting nights and have set up a few "Coffee with the Dean" events throughout the year as well. I really like this club and I've made some really good friends here so I'm definetely staying throughout my next few years.

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is the first co-ed professional business fraternity. DSP highlights proffessional events and development of men and women in the business world. I joined this Fraternity about a month ago and I'm pleased to say, it's been a great time so far. One of my closest friends told me I would be a great fit in this club (hey thanks Chris) and I was able to go through the interview very easily to get in. There are lots of events that they hold and I'm super excited to be a part of them. My college is the Omega Sigma chapter.

Management Club

So I have a friend named Luci, she's another one of my best friends, and she can be a bit shy when it comes to new things but you know me, not a shy bone in my body so I accompany her to clubs and things sometimes. I went with her to the first Management club meeting at the start of this school year and it was...interesting? I was kind of confused first of all because what the hell is management club but after sitting there for a while it made sense. This club is for people who want to learn to manage a business or company. NOW IF YOU KNOW ME, you know having my own company is a whole dream of mine and YOU KNOW I love being my own boss. So guess what, I joined. We haven't had a meeting since the first one and I just decided I wanted to be Chief of Events and Planning and no one voted against it so I guess I am now. I don't have a link for you to look at but I really hope this club can help me jumpstart on the business I want to start.

Sales Club

One of the people in Student Association is in this club and he's a great guy so I decided to come to this meeting and see what it's all about. Now again, if you know me, you know I'm good at sales so I figured, why not buff my resume and make myself look like an even bigger professional? So I joined Sales Club. I'm doing really well in it right now. I honestly really enjoy it, I feel like sales is a trait that everyone should have – knowing how to sell anything. I'm pleased to say I'm pretty good at it. Our first activity was a shark tank where we had to make our own product and find a way to sell it and my group won! Here's the linkedin post on it. I really like this club and it's definetely in my top 4.

South Asian Student Organization

During my freshman year of college, I noticed there was little to no South Asian representation. That's actually one of the reasons why I joined Student Association, to bring some involvement in, but I never ended up doing it. This year, I met this amazing freshman named Haley. Oh my god she is one of the most convincing, smart, independent people I've ever met in my entire life. She is a determined young woman who I know will do great things. Anyways, I was talking to a TA when she walked up to us (she knew the TA), and started talking about her plans for the club. I was instantly hooked. I quickly became the Events and Planning Person and we started the club with just 5 board members (my boyfriend ended up becoming one later). We had our informational meeting one day and the turn out was so amazing that people had to stand up in the back since there were no more seats. Our first event is next Wendesday (10/05) a Mehndi/Henna Fundraiser. We hae already planned out our events until November. I am so proud to be a part of this club and I know we will do amazing things.

Investment Club

If you know me, you know I'm a big finance girl. I love reading and learning about investing, bonds, stocks, all the works. I joined this club because I wanted to learn more about this whole process. There have been two meetings so far, one with a Real Estate investor, and one with a Private Equity manager (I think). Anyways, I won't be there for the meeting this week, but I am really excited to see what this club has to hold and I think I will learn a lot.

That's all for this blog, definetely one of my favorites. I hope this helped you gain some insight as to why I'm so busy all the time. Thanks for reading, Ciao!