
A picture I took of a sailboat on a lake near my house. 


Before we get into this article, let me define burnout for you...at least in my terms. Burnout is when you work and grind and work and grind and you work yourself so much that your body and mind physically can't do it anymore. I face burnout...a lot. I face it in college, I face it at home, I face it at work. It's natural and everyone gets burnt out.

So what do I do when I get burnt out? I don't try to stop it, I don't try to block it from happening- I let it come, I let it go. I like to think of my body as a hotel for all these temporary moments that I feel. I use this burnout as an opportunity for me to relax and focus on myself for as many days as I need so that I can bounce back with more energy. I understand that it may be hard for you to embrace burnout, if you have an exam or a project you have to finish, so it takes a little bit of practice.

It might also be hard to face burnout if you aren't used to it. Growing up my mindset was "Just do it, you have to make them proud" them, being my parents, since I felt like my whole world revolved around them and I needed to be successful in their lives (I love you mumma and papa). But now, I always think "Do what you can until you can't, and do it to make yourself proud". I put myself before everything, since I know that if I'm not at my best, then I feel that nothing else in my life is.

My Burnout Steps

I follow these steps on the path to burnout, just so I can be sure I'm not losing my mind.

  1. Notice- "Holy shit I'm so tired I can't do this anymore." Even just thinking that is a sign of burnout. Realizing that your brain is fried and you need to stop is just the first step, and it may very well be the most important one.
  2. Close the Cause- Why are you burnt out? Is it because you've been studying since morning and just now got around to your job? Is it because you've been around your friends for the past 72 hours and you need a break? Is it because you keep on getting yelled at and on top of that you have exams to study for? Find the cause of your burn out and shut it off. "I'm taking the day off" or "I'll work hard for this next hour so I can take the rest of the day to relax" or "Hey guys, I'm gonna go home, I'll see you next week". Since burnout comes in many forms, relaxing does too, going to the next step...
  3. Healing- Keeping away from the cause of burnout, and closing any forms of toxicity, I like to watch animated movies on netflix, or take out my watercolors. I talk to my boyfriend, play animal crossing or even go to the gym. FINDING WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and doing that in your time of need.
  4. Bouncing back- After you've healed for however long you need, you will probably decide "All right, let's get back to work" and you might notice, after taking the break you need, you will feel completely healed and ready to go. The healing energy from what truly makes you happy is what fuels your readiness and determination to bounce back from the burnout even stronger than before.

I think that being burntout is something that needs to be normalized more. Recognizing and alerting those who love you that, "I'm burnt out, can I just take today for myself?" is really important so they don't get worried. It's perfectly fine to take days off if yu don't feel your best, actually "sick days" shouldn't just count for illness and physical wellness, they should also count for mental wellness and days you don't think you can do it.

Thats all for this blog. Thanks for reading and as always, don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!