A Remote Summer

A Remote Summer
A picture I took in a guided tour to Pikes Peak in C


Hello hello, welcome back to my blog. Today I'm going to be talking about a topic I actually like a lot! That is....working remotely! During the summer of 2022 I've taken 4 classes remotely as well as a few remote jobs to start saving money, and to get ahead on my credits.

I'm one of those people that's better at doing things remotely instead of in person. I can do it at my own time, in the comfort of my own room, and even if I slack off a little bit, I can easily pick myself back up without a boss or professor breathing down my neck. One of my favorite parts about working remotely is that I can literally take a shower in the middle of the day and no one will say anything.

It's been hard for a lot of people to adjust going online as the pandemic began, including myself, but I've found that working remotely has helped me own my life and appreciate the little things. When we first went online, I was finishing up my junior year of high school. I remember saying "I'll see you on Monday," to some people in my classes, but then Monday never came and I never saw those people again. I feel like at that moment, my eyes opened. I realized, I took that for granted.

Anyways, getting back to the topic, here's a few things which changed my preferences from "I NEED TO SEE MY FRIENDS" to "can i just stay home":

  1. A fluid schedule- I really enjoy doing things on my own time and being independent in that sense. Not only does it give me a sense of responsibility, it helps me manage my time wisely and allows me to reap the benefits of my hard work.
  2. Me time- Me time in my definition is time that I have for myself whenever I need a break. When working an in-person job or going to school in-person, you might not be able to get your 'Me time' with all that's going on. I care about myself a lot more than I care about my career or my school, so my 'Me time' is really important to me.
  3. Motivation- I KNOW how easy it is to get unmotivated. It happens to me ALL the time...but I've noticed it happens more when I am sitting in a lecture or just walked into class. I've recognized that and now I know it's better for me to do my work online, and stay motivated throughout the whole thing.

So yeah, I do like the remote life a lot more than in-person...but I also thrive off of social interaction so really, what do I prefer? That's all for this post, thanks for reading and see you next time!