4 Reasons Why I Switched from Biochemistry to Business

4 Reasons Why I Switched from Biochemistry to Business
Some random Chemistry assignment I had to do.


Now, I'm not going to sugarcoat any of this, Biochemistry is a very hard major to have. There are so many aspects that go into getting that degree. My major was Biochemistry for all of freshman year, I seriously wasted that year since I got mediocre grades and didn't enjoy any of the classes. Let's get into it...

1. Biochemistry is HARD

Okay, you're probably thinking "Duh, it's college of course it's hard". No you don't understand. It's HARD. I was in a class called 'General Chemistry 1 for Majors' and no matter what, I would never be able to get higher than a 90% on any of my assignments (unless it was a video). Sure, that's just one class...but throughout my entire first year of college I realized just how much crazy studying I had to do just to manage a C+ (depending on the class). Also, most of my professors were not good and they did not help or do anything (which sucked because they always preached their availability).

2. I Never Actually Liked Biochemistry

The reason why I initially went with biochemistry, is because I was chasing the bag. I knew I would be able to financially sustain myself becoming a surgeon or a doctor, so I chose biochemistry as my major. LITTLE DID I REALIZE that I actually hated both biology and chemistry, so naturally I hated biochemistry too. I actually like business a lot more so I'm really happy I switched. I also like computer science which is why it's now my minor.

3. Math

I'VE ALSO NEVER LIKED MATH. I genuinely hate math so much. It's so hard for me, so confusing, I just don't get a long with it. Chemistry has a lot of math, not including the Calculus classes I also had to take (which I also hated(especially my professor). In all my chemistry exams the formula sheet just got longer and longer until it filled the whole page and HOLY GOD I hated it. There is still math in business but not math that makes me want to cry.

4. So Much School

This is kind of a stupid reason like, "Simren, you are going to do a bachelors program for business anyways just switch back to Pre-Med". NO. I LOVE business. I think business is so cool, I am MORE THAN HAPPY to do it for the rest of my life but I refuse to sit in med school, and then go through rotations, and be in college for 12 years to do something that I don't like when instead I can spend around 8 years doing something I love. I have a good job right now, it's in Sales and Marketing, and I honestly love it. If I had to be a Lab TA or some kind of biochemistry related job right now, I think I would cry :)

Well that's all for this blog, sorry for yelling so much I JUST DON'T LIKE BIOCHEMISTRY but seriously, big applaud to those pre-med people because that shit is HARD. Anyways thank you for reading and I'll see you in my next blog, Ciao!