2022: Books I've Read

2022: Books I've Read
My boyfriends cat, Maggie. She is so cute.


These 5 books got me into reading, and they've kept me here, all 5 of the books I've read in 2022.

What the Heck is EOS? - Gino Wickman

EOS, Entrepreneurial Operating System (hope I spelled that right). I think I chose a great time to read this book. I was in my freshman year of college, second semester and I decided I needed a better way to organize my life. I had no layout, no structure, no nothing. Just life. And 'just life' is a great way to live but for me, I needed something to work towards. I needed something else. I picked up this book and started reading it as it was just sitting on my desk. When I first started reading it it was just about software, how to make your team more efficient, the L10 Scorecard, stuff I didn't really care about. I remember reading an analogy something like a jar filled with rocks and small pebbles. Even though there was no space, the sand still managed to seep in. I remember reading that on the top bunk of my dorm and thinking, "holy shit. I need to use this". I did and I 180ed my life around right then and there. I thought, if Gino can put his motivation into words, I can turn his words back into motivation. I don't remember the exact analogy but I remember it changed my whole thought process. I really like that book, it's easy to read and it makes sense. It's easily accessible to me too, and I know eventually I'll go back to it.

How to be a Capitalist without any Capital - Nathan Latka

This book started it all. All the productivity, the knowledge, the desire for something more...it all started with this book. Before you ask, "It's just about money Simren, it's not that deep," It IS that deep. In this book, Nathan talks about how he was able to become a 'modern opportunist' as he calls it. There were four rules to break and I recognized right from the get go, that if I want to be something in this lifetime, I have to break them. Not just break them, but do it in my own way. After this book I started reading, listening to podcasts, focusing more on my brand and so much more that I didn't even dream I would have done if it hadn't been for this book. There is money talk in this book, lots of it. I took it with a grain of rice, knowing that when it's time for me to mature my money skills, that book is there for me to use it.

The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom Book - Don Miguel Ruiz

The way I found this book is crazy. I was talking to my therapist and at the end of our session I asked him for a book to read to help me with my mental growth. He gave me this book and when I first saw it I was like, "this looks old there's no way i'm gonna find it anywhere," so I just put it in the amazon cart. Literally like an hour later I went to target and I made my way to the CD sections, since I have a CD player, and for some reason, I was just drawn to the personal growth book section. And the truth is, I never go to that section, since the books are so expensive. But for some reason that day I went there. I walked there and guess what book I saw standing on a book stand with a 70% off sticker. The Four Agreements. I KNEW this was the universe's way of telling me I need to read it. I picked it up, bought it, and finished it within a week. This was SUCH a good book. It touched my heart, it touched my soul. I love it so much.

Emotional Detox - Sherianna Boyle

Honestly, I was drawn by this book because of the cover. I'm an avid lover of aesthetic books and stationary, etc. This book had me a little confused in the beginning, because I didn't know what exactly we were talking about. From my understanding after reading it, the book is about detoxing from your emotions (obviously, you can tell from the title) but what that means to me is separating yourself from your emotions and allowing yourself to process them before accepting them. I did really like this book towards the end I think it sent very high vibrations and very good messages that I was able to accept throughout the rest of 2022. I do recommend this book to those who overthink and those who get attached easily.

Badass Habits - Jen Sincero

This book is set up kind of like a diary in my opinion. There's little steps and processes for you to take to create a habit that will help you later on. It takes you from creating a habit, to sticking with it, to the individual 21 days during the journey of forming that habit. Personally, I thought this book was really good but there was a little bit of a gap for me, since some habits are just not realistic. Also, I think this book would be useful if you were in your mid 30's as opposed to 19 years old, since I feel it appeals to that demographic better. I still think it's a good read though, and I think if you choose a realistic habit, this book could help you fully form it.

Well that's all for this blog, kind of long but it's alright. I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you have any questions about any of these books! See you later!!